Long ago, there was a terrible war... The Gods, homed in the Aether led by the immensely powerful Primordial Gods were set to face off against the Demons, homed in the Underworld and led by the God Thanatos. Both sides were very nearly led to a war that would've wiped out everything... Until three human women came along, joined by three Gods and three Demons they were convinced by to help end the conflict. These three women were tied by blood, having been born to different fathers in different classes, but all were tied by one woman: Ameliana LaVie. For their help in stopping the war, these women were granted special power unlike any other mortal being... And they used their gifts to not only stop the persecution they received, but that everyone in the world received. Their whole life, these three women were all called one thing... Witches. Motherless bastards. And so they chose to empower the title... Dubbing all who chose to follow them with a piece of their power, becoming a new race.... Witches.Fast forward several hundred years and the LaVie Triad and their Coven, the Lunar Coven, is at the top of the world. Respected by all, including the other major races that roam the face of their world: Werewolves, Vampires, Humans and Monsters. The three newest heirs to the three bloodlines of the LaVie Triad have to fight their way to earn their spots at the top: Jann Leon, daughter of the intelligent and wise Leon Clan; Carter Locke, son of the brave and refined Locke Clan; and lastly Amelia Lynx, daughter of the leader clan and heir of the Prima Regina throne of the Coven. And, of course, Amelia's twin sister Colorra... Who is often sidelined due to her lack of magical ability, born with a rare condition that limits the amount of magical energy her body can naturally produce and store. After one fateful meeting, Amelia finds herself on a twisting path that spells the ruin of the Coven... And Witches with it. Being unbelieved from most avenues, Amelia can only rely on her cousins, sister, and a couple other friends as she tries to steer away from a calamity that will change the world as she knows it now and forever.




Daughter of the Prima Regina of the Lunar Coven and heir to the throne. Being born of the Lynx Bloodline of the LaVie Triad, Amelia is blessed with the power of Prophecy, granted by their patron goddess Omne, Goddess of Prophecy. Spunky, powerful, rebellious and a major lack of foresight, despite being gifted with prophetic power. Chided by her mother constantly for a lack of discipline and respect of their culture, Amelia would much rather spend her days roaming villages of the Humans and becoming a protector- An admirable goal for most, but from the stance she's born at, she's trapped in the role of heir to the Coven.


Being born of the Leon Bloodline of the LaVie Triad, Jann is blessed with the power of True Sight- the actual meaning and extent of this power unknown to most even within the Coven... A closely guarded secret of the Leon's. All that is known is that it's granted by the Patron Goddess of the Leon Bloodline: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. Wise, confident and witty are just the beginning of Jann and who she is. The most studious of the newborn Triad children, Jann is also the most proficient with magic and actually has no particular weapon of her own- Instead uses a special power called her Vigor to summon barriers and blades. Despite every Supernatural being having a Vigor, Jann is one of the few who SOLELY rely on the power her own Vigor has... Whether that is a strength or a weakness is yet to be seen.


Being born of the Locke Bloodline of the LaVie Triad, Carter is blessed with the power of Charm by the patron goddess of the Locke Bloodline: Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth. A little clumsy, but a lot of heart beats within this tall boy. Great knowledge, but not the greatest at actually casting spells. While most Witches use traditional weaponry in combat amplified by their natural ability with magic, Carter has to use a magic staff that helps channel his power into more useful functions than just a fizzling sigil. Not exactly the greatest self-confidence, Carter is held at high standards by being in the more elitist family of the LaVie Triad.


Prima Regina of the Lunar Coven, and head of the Lynx Branch of the LaVie Triad. Although a caring mother, Morgana wants nothing more than the best for both her children and her Coven so she holds both to high standards. Morgana keeps the whole world balanced on her shoulders, and it isn't easy. One day it's the Vampires overextending into Werewolf land, another day it's a Human village being pillaged by Monsters. With so much power, you think it'd be easy to keep it all under control... But she isn't exactly a dictator. She has to keep the will of all the world in mind, on top of raising children, handling ex-husbands, keeping her Coven safe and cared for.... It's a lot. But this is her life, and she will do her best to uphold it all.


Rescued from certain death by Amelia, Accalia is brought to the Lunar Coven and is increasingly confused by so much. Magic? Werewolves, Witches and Vampires? It's as if she's never heard of any of it... What could've caused this acute memory loss? Regardless of all that, she feels indebted to Amelia and wants to help her in any way she can... And as a Human, that doesn't exactly count for much but the sentiment is there.


Queen of the Heavens, Goddess of the Stars, Head of the Aether Council of Gods. Overseeing all other godly Pantheons, Celestara has spent centuries crafting peace and order among the world through the proper means with the orders left to her by the Primordials, the orignal creators of all things, before they left the world. But, as more and more things slip through the cracks, Celestara grows more and more infuriated and begins to take steeper and steeper measures to try and forge order.


Goddess of the Day. Princess Star helps serve her mother, Queen Celestara, by ruling over the Aether: The home of the Gods. Not to mention being the Princess of the Aether itself, Star is also the second most powerful Goddess of the Aetherial Pantheon that oversees all the other godly Pantheons that form all the different mortal religions. Despite so many responsibilities, Star still makes it a point to make time for her beloved and her counterpart: Zaebos, God of the Night and King of the Underworld.


A being of unknown origin, Amelia accidentally releases it from it's shell and confirms Amelia's fears of danger. The only problem: It's trapped in a mirror now, and it wants out. Without it's help, Amelia supposedly will fail, but she recognizes it as a being of pure shadow. Will she help something she know is likely pure evil release itself into the world, but be able to save her home or call it's bluff?

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